Esperanto перевод

Исходный текстПереводы
If checked, then an "Insert" button will be available to put attached files into the active WYSIWYG editor.
View overridden file entities in wysiwyg
When users are embedding files in WYSIWYGs, the file entities will be displayed with whatever overrides the user may have specified in the Media popup.
Ckeditor WYSIWYG configuration
Display fully rendered files in WYSIWYG
Check this box to render files in the WYSIWYG dynamically, to reflect any field overrides the user may have specified. Note that this requires the user has the corresponding permission: "View overridden file entities in wysiwyg"
Media CKEditor
Provides a bridge between Media and the stand-alone CKEditor module.
Content limitedd to @limit characters, remaining: <strong>@remaining</strong>
Bootstrap Carousel Slides