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It should return either a string value or an array like in:<br>разрыв строки
Use drupal_goto when redirecting ?
We need the drupal_goto() function, if we want to use absolute urls (e.g. on login redirect.<br>разрыв строки
( That is at least until some better way is found, because using drupal_goto will break modules like content_profile_registration from the content_profile package. )
Don't use drupal_goto(). (DEFAULT OPTION) ( Redirecting to absolute urls won't work, but they are rarely needed for redirect destinations.разрыв строки
On the other hand, content_profile_registration will work with this option selected. )
Use drupal_goto(). ( NOTE: will break content_profile_registration saving user data on register. Redirecting to absolute urls will work. )
MORE INFO: If your site has set these two settings at admin/user/settings:<br>разрыв строки
1. Selected: "Visitors can create accounts and no administrator approval is required."<br>разрыв строки
2. Unchecked: "Require e-mail verification when a visitor creates an account"<br>разрыв строки
<br>разрыв строки
The "Use drupal_goto()" above will prevent the content_profile_registration custom user fields from being saved and will redirect directly toразрыв строки
the absolute/relative url you've setup here.<br>
The date the webform submission was first saved, either as a draft or completed.
The date the webform submission was completed (no longer a draft).
The date the webform submission was last saved, either as a draft or completed.
Minimum numeric value. For example, 0 would ensure non-negative numbers.