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reCAPTCHA v3 returns a score for each request without user friction. The score is based on interactions with your site and enables you to take an appropriate action for your site.
Basic tags: @label
Check to <strong>fully reset all metatags</strong> on the entities being modified to their <a href="@settings">default configuration</a>.
Fast Token Browser module
Meta tags used to integrate with Facebook APIs. Most sites do not need to use these, they are primarily of benefit for sites using either the Facebook widgets, the Facebook Connect single-signon system, or are using Facebook APIs in a custom way. Sites that do need these meta tags usually will only need to set them globally.<br /><br />The Facebook <a href="@debugger">Sharing Debugger</a> lets you preview how your content will look when shared to Facebook and debug any issues with your Open Graph tags.
It is recommended to not have hreflang="x-default" and hreflang="SOMELANGCODE" meta tags pointing at the same URL. By default if there is a hreflang="SOMELANGCODE" meta tag with the same URL as the hreflang="x-default" meta tag then the hreflang="SOMELANGCODE" tag will be removed.
The <a href="@ogp">Open Graph meta tags</a> are used control how Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and other social networking sites interpret the content of the site.<br /><br />The Facebook <a href="@debugger">Sharing Debugger</a> lets you preview how your content will look when shared to Facebook and debug any issues with your Open Graph tags.
These Open Graph meta tags for describing products.<br /><br />The Facebook <a href="@debugger">Sharing Debugger</a> lets you preview how your content will look when it is shared to Facebook and debug any issues with your Open Graph tags.
A string provided by <a href="@facebook">Facebook</a>, full details are available from the <a href="@verify_url">Facebook online help</a>.
YUI is no longer available and support will be dropped in the next release. Editor profiles using YUI will be removed. See this <a href="!url" target="_blank">announcement</a>