Esperanto перевод

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Choose the image effect. Note! This will override Placeholder option. Will use Thumbnail style option at Blazy formatters for the placeholder with fallback to core Thumbnail style. For best results: use similar aspect ratio for both Thumbnail and Image styles; adjust Offset and or threshold; the smaller the better. Use <code>hook_blazy_image_effects_alter()</code> to add more effects -- curtain, fractal, slice, whatever.
Blazy settings
The following settings are related to Blazy library.
Load invisible
Check if you want to load invisible (hidden) elements.
The offset controls how early you want the elements to be loaded before they're visible. Default is <strong>100</strong>, so 100px before an element is visible it'll start loading.
Save viewport offset delay
Delay for how often it should call the saveViewportOffset function on resize. Default is <strong>50</strong>ms.
Set validate delay
Delay for how often it should call the validate function on scroll/resize. Default is <strong>25</strong>ms.