Esperanto перевод

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What heading do you want to display to the users to link multiple social networks to one account?
Yes, get real email address from the users (Ask users to enter their email addresses in a pop-up)
No, just auto-generate random email IDs for the users
Each of your <a href="!url">fields that are attached to users</a> are listed below. Map social provider data to field by choosing from select list and configure your user fields from <a href="!url"> FIELD MAPPING </a>section.<br/><br/> For a list of all fields according to the providers:<a href="!data_url" target="_blank"> </a>
Local City
Local Country
UserProfile is not retrieved. Please enable cURL or fsockopen in your php.ini
What social sharing widget theme do you want to use across your website?<div class="description">Horizontal and Vertical themes can be enabled simultaneously</div>