Kazakh перевод

Исходный текстПереводы
Allows users to view statistics and execution status of cron jobs
Environment @env_id; HTTP Status: %http_status; <br>Message: %status_message; <br>Response: %response; <br>Request: %request; <br>Caller: %function (line %line of %file)
Environment @env_id: Adding @count documents.
Environment @env_id: Indexing succeeded on @count documents
Environment @env_id: Indexing failed on one of the following entity ids: @eids <br /> !message
Environment @env_id: Deleted documents from index with query @query
Environment @env_id: Trying to update the Solr index while the environment @env_id is read-only in function %function
Ice Commerce
Theme for Commerce Kickstart demo store
All Star