Kazakh перевод

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Sets the domain of the cookie to a specific url. Used when you need consistency across domains. This is language independent. Note: Make sure you actually enter a domain that the browser can make use of. For example if your site is accessible at both www.domain.com and domain.com, you will not be able to hide the banner at domain.com if your value for this field is www.domain.com.
Allow the cookie to be set for all sites on the same domain.
Sets the path of the cookie to '/' so that the cookie works across all sites on the domain.
Sets the cookie name that is used to check whether the user has agreed or not. This option is useful when policies change and the user needs to agree again.
Cookie value (disagreed)
The cookie value which will be set where the user has disagreed.
Cookie value (agreed, show thank you banner)
The cookie value which will be set where the user has agreed and we will show a thank-you banner.
Cookie value (agreed)
The cookie value which will be set where the user has agreed.