Kalmykian перевод

Исходный текстПереводы
Security settings
You are responsible for the security of your website, including the protection of credit card numbers. Please be aware that choosing some settings in this section may decrease the security of credit card data on your website and increase your liability for damages in the case of fraud.
Encryption key directory
The card type, expiration date and last four digits of the card number are encrypted and stored temporarily while the customer is in the process of checking out.<br /><b>You must enable encryption</b> by following the <a href="!url">encryption instructions</a> in order to accept credit card payments.<br />In short, you must enter the path of a directory outside of your document root where the encryption key may be stored.<br />Relative paths will be resolved relative to the Drupal installation directory.<br />Once this directory is set, you should not change it.
Not configured.
Credit card fields
Specify what information to collect from customers in addition to the card number.
Enable CVV text field on checkout form.
The CVV is an added security measure on credit cards. On Visa, Mastercard, and Discover cards it is a three digit number, and on AmEx cards it is a four digit number. If your credit card processor or payment gateway requires this information, you should enable this feature here.
Enable card owner text field on checkout form.