Kalmykian перевод

Исходный текстПереводы
Unable to create an anonymous function to find references of %old and replace with %new.
Default file directory
Optional subdirectory within the upload destination where files will be stored if the file is uploaded through the file entity overview page and the directory is not specified otherwise. Do not include preceding or trailing slashes. This field supports tokens. Suggest using: [current-date:custom:Y]/[current-date:custom:m]/[current-date:custom:d]
Optional subdirectory within the upload destination where files will be stored if the file is uploaded through the file entity overview page and the directory is not specified otherwise. Do not include preceding or trailing slashes.
File replace optons
Default settings for how to handle file name changes during replace.
Keep original file name
Rename the newly uploaded file to the name of the original file. This action cannot be undone.
Controls list
Remote playback