Kalmykian перевод

Исходный текстПереводы
Values assigned here inherit from the <a href="@url" aria-label="Edit the global default meta tags.">global defaults</a> and will override any other meta tags assigned elsewhere.
If checked, you can use PHP code to enable click sort on the field. This may have a large performance impact as all results will be loaded from the database, and pager limits will only be applied in PHP.
Same Origin
Strict Origin
Strict Origin When Cross-Origin
Create a link on referenceable content
Log data is corrupted and cannot be unserialized: @message
Your server is not capable of displaying file upload progress. File upload progress requires an Apache server running PHP with mod_php or Nginx with PHP-FPM.
Your server is not capable of displaying file upload progress. File upload progress requires PHP be run with mod_php or PHP-FPM and not as FastCGI.
Image style %style_name has an effect %effect_name with no definition.