Kalmykian перевод

Исходный текстПереводы
This block requires the "@withdraw_enabled_setting_name" to be enabled in !eu_cookie_compliance_settings.
EU Cookie Compliance settings
Toggle the cookie consent settings tray.
Unexpected ;
YAML parsing error on file @path: @error
Twig parsing error on file @path: @error
The date the user was changed.
There was an error, please check the video settings. Embedding, and playback on other websites, may have been disabled by the video owner. (Error: @code, @error)
There was an error, please check the video settings. The video may be private, disabled or unavailable. (Error: @code, @error)
There was an error with this YouTube video. Please check the URL and video settings and try again. (Error: @code, @error)