Исходный текст | Переводы |
menu | меню |
Allows administrators to customize the site navigation menu. | Администраторларга сайт менюсини созлашга имконият беради. |
Type | Тип |
No content types available. | Таркибнинг фойдаланиладиган турлари йўқ |
Body | Мазмуни |
Identification | Идентификациялаш |
The human-readable name of this content type. This text will be displayed as part of the list on the <em>create content</em> page. It is recommended that this name begins with a capital letter and consists only of letters, numbers, and <strong>spaces</strong>. This name must be unique to this content type. | |
The machine-readable name of this content type. This text will be used for constructing the URL of the <em>create content</em> page for this content type. This name may consist of only of lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores. Dashes are not allowed. Underscores will be converted into dashes when constructing the URL of the <em>create content</em> page. This name must be unique to this content type. | |
The machine-readable name of this content type. This field cannot be modified for system-defined content types. | |
A brief description of this content type. This text will be displayed as part of the list on the <em>create content</em> page. | Ушбу турдаги материалларнинг қисқа таърифи. Бу матн <em>материал яратиш</em> саҳифасидаги рўйхатнинг бир қисми сифатида кўрсатилади. |