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edit own blog
Enables keeping easily and regularly updated user web pages or blogs.
фойдаланувчилар томонидан осон ва мунтазам янгиланадиган саҳифаларни ёки блогларни яратишга имконият беради.
When this module is enabled and configured you can use programs like <a href="@external-http-ecto-kung-foo-tv">Ecto</a> to create and publish posts from your desktop. Blog API module supports several XML-RPC based blogging APIs such as the <a href="@-">Blogger API</a>, <a href="@external-http-www-xmlrpc-com-metaWeblogApi">MetaWeblog API</a>, and most of the <a href="@external-http-www-movabletype-org-docs-mtmanual_programmatic-html">Movable Type API</a>. Any desktop blogging tools or other services (e.g. <a href="@external-http-www-flickr-com">Flickr's</a> "post to blog") that support these APIs should work with this site.
This module also allows site administrators to configure which content types can be posted via the external applications. So, for instance, users can post forum topics as well as blog posts. Where supported, the external applications will display each content type as a separate "blog".
For more information please read the configuration and customization handbook <a href="@blogapi">BlogApi page</a>.
Returns a list of weblogs to which an author has posting privileges.
Returns information about an author in the system.
Возвращает информацию об авторе в системе.
Creates a new post, and optionally publishes it.
Создает новую публикацию и, если необходимо, публикует.
Updates the information about an existing post.
Обновляет информацию о существующей публикации.
Returns information about a specific post.
Возвращает информацию о конкретной публикации.