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These settings should be handled with care, it is recommended to leave them at their defaults unless there is a specific need to modify them.
If backups fail due to an out-of-memory, try adjusting the memory limit using a php.ini style value, for example 512M for 512 megabytes or 1G for 1 gigabyte. Default: !default.
If backups fail due to a PHP timeout error, especially an error saying "MySQL server has gone away", increase this setting. Before doing this, check to see what PHP's "max_execution_time" is set to, then set this field to a higher number, e.g. if max_execution_time is 180 (seconds) try setting Time Limit to 240 seconds (4 minutes), or 300 seconds (5 minutes). Default: !default.
Verbose Output
Enable this to make the module log additional messages to watchdog as the module performs certain actions. Default: !default.
Disable Cron
It can be frustrating working from a production database backup on non-prod servers as schduled backups will automatically run via cron the same as they run on production. The custom cron tasks may be disabled using this checkbox. Note: this doesn't prevent people from manually running backups via the UI or from the Drush commands, so it is safe to enable on all site instances and then disable on production environments. Default: !default.
Rows Per Query
Controls how many records are loaded from the database at once. Defaults to "!default", i.e. !default rows. Note that setting this to a high number can cause problems when exporting large data sets, e.g. cache tables can have huge volumes of data per record.
Rows Per Line