Uzbek перевод

Исходный текстПереводы
You can get your "Access Key" and "Secret Key" by signing up for automated screenshots at: <a target="_blank" href="">ShrinkTheWeb</a>
By default, you must add your server's IP address to <a href="" target="_blank">ShrinkTheWeb's "Allowed Referrers" list</a>
Website Screenshot Drupal module has the limitation of only being able to use screenshot services by downloading and saving in the background. This is the recommended way, but in rare cases; ShrinkTheWeb users may have reserved a "shared IP" if your server is shared. In this case, access may be blocked, as a free user, to avoid abuse. You may overcome this and continue to use a ShrinkTheWeb free account by using the official <a href = "">ShrinkTheWeb Drupal module</a>. Thank you for understanding.
Enable HTTP Secure (HTTPS)
Delay After Load
Configure Screenshot Shrinktheweb
Configure you Shrinktheweb settings here. Any field you leave blank will use a default value.
Shrinktheweb engine for the Screenshot module
Files can be made available by placing them in the sites filesystem at either public://taxonomy_xml or private://taxonomy_xml