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Automatically link social network accounts to existing accounts having the same email address?
If the email address of the social network profile matches an email address of an existing user, both are linked together. Only works for verified email addresses.
Yes, try to automatically link social network profiles to existing accounts (Default)
No, do not automatically link social network profiles to existing accounts
Automatically create a new user account when a user registers with Social Login?
If a user registers for example with Facebook, Social Login grabs his Facebook profile data and uses it to simply the user registration.
Do not create new accounts automatically, just pre-populate the default registration form and let users complete the registration manually (Default)
Automatically create new user accounts and generate a bogus email address if the social network provides no email address
Automatically create new user accounts BUT fall back to the default registration form when the social network provides no email address
Enable the social networks/identity providers of your choice