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The Announcements module displays announcements from the Drupal community. For more information, see the <a href="@documentation">online documentation for the Announcements module</a>.
Accessing announcements
Users with the "View announcements" permission may click on the "Announcements" item in the administration menu, or access <a href="@link">Announcements</a>, to see all announcements relevant to the Drupal version of your site.
View official announcements related to Drupal
Exception occurred: @message
Announcements and updates posted by the community.
Displays announcements from the Drupal community.
If third party modules define a password generation algorithm, you can select which one to use. Note that algorithms other than genpass will ignore the preferred password length. The currently selected algorithm produced the password @pw.
Show module path in modules list
If enabled, the relative path of each module will display in its row.