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The Migrate module provides a flexible framework for migrating content into Drupal from other sources (e.g., when converting a web site from another CMS to Drupal). Out-of-the-box, support for creating Drupal nodes, taxonomy terms, comments, and users are included. Plugins permit migration of other types of content. For more information, see the online documentation for the <a href="@handbook">Migrate module</a>.
To get started, enable the migrate_example module and browse to admin/content/migrate to see its dashboard. The code for this migration is in migrate_example/ (advanced examples are in Mimic that file in order to specify your own migrations.
Migrate Support
The Migrate module itself has support for migration into core objects. Some built-in support for migration involving contrib modules is in the migrate_extras module.
Migrate Extended Support
The best place to implement migration support for a contributed module is in that module, not in the Migrate or Migrate Extras modules. That way, the migration support is always self-consistent with the current module implementation - it is not practical for the migrate modules to keep up with changes to all other contrib modules.
Encryption of secure migration information is not supported. Ensure the <a href="@encrypt">Encrypt module</a> is installed for this functionality.
Migration for %class failed with source plugin exception: %e, in %file:%line
Could not open CSV file !url