Esperanto перевод

Исходный текстПереводы
You must activate the Video S3 module to work with Zencoder, file is not found in S3 table.
We did not find the file id @fid or it is still queued for S3 push.
rendering preset %preset
Enable this option when debugging ffmpeg encoding to log all commands to the <a href="@dblog-page">Drupal log</a>. This may help with debugging ffmpeg problems. When this option is disabled, only errors will be logged.
FFmpeg Padding method
Use -vf "pad=w:h:x:y:c" for padding
Executing ffmpeg command!purposetext: <pre>@command</pre>
Error executing ffmpeg command!purposetext:<br/><pre>@command</pre>Output:<br/><pre>@output</pre>
Video conversion failed. Could not create directory %dir for storing converted videos.