Esperanto перевод

Исходный текстПереводы
The actual stock for the main or provided Stock SKU
UC Stock: Threshold
The stock threshold in which notifications will be sent as configured.
Combination of attributes
Thanks for installing Colorbox
You may configure Colorbox by visiting <a href="@url_settings">@url_settings</a>
Note: Some unmanaged files from an older version of the module were deleted. Their associated image style derivatives were not deleted. <a href="@imagestyleflush">Image style flush</a> or `drush image-flush` can be used for that. New thumbnails will be managed files and will not have this issue.
for @entity_title
The YouTube field module provides a simple field that allows you to add a youtube video to a content type, user, or any other Drupal entity.
For more information, see the <a href=":url">Youtube Field module</a>.