Esperanto перевод

Исходный текстПереводы
This will allow users to pass parameter values into the YouTube URL provided in the field input. For example, adding "&start=30" to the end of the URL would start the embedded video at the 30 second mark. This may have unintended side effects if parameter values are ever passed by accident.
Default image style for the output of a youtube_image_url token.
Mute video by default when loaded (mute).
This parameter controls whether videos play inline or fullscreen in an HTML5 player on iOS (playsinline).
The autoplay feature controls access to autoplay of media requested through the HTMLMediaElement interface (allow autoplay).
The fullscreen feature controls whether the requestFullscreen() method is allowed to request fullscreen (allow fullscreen).
as a link.
as plain text.
Colorbox module settings
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