Esperanto перевод

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This mode should only be used on Entity Queues. This field is on a %type entity type and is not supported.
Bundles are filtered on a per-queue basis from the <a href="!url">queue's settings</a>.
Entity Queue
The %tag tag is missing a value for the %element element.
The %group tag group is missing a value for the %element element.
The weight of the node field !field_name.
Social9 provides Social Sharing solutions to your drupal website. We also offer Social Plugins for <a href="@wordpress" target="_blank">Wordpress</a>,разрыв строки
<a href="@joomla" target="_blank">Joomla</a>,разрыв строки
<a href="@magento" target="_blank">Magento</a>,разрыв строки
<a href="@zencart" target="_blank">Zen-Cart</a>,разрыв строки
<a href="@ee" target="_blank">Expression Engine</a>,разрыв строки
<a href="@prestashop" target="_blank">Prestashop</a> andразрыв строки
<a href="@typo3" target="_blank">Typo3</a>!разрыв строки
Please visit <a href="@social9" target="_blank"></a> for more info.
<a href="@installation" target="_blank">Plugin Installation, Configuration and Troubleshooting</a> <br/> <a href="@features" target="_blank">Social9 Features</a>
Thank you for installing social sharing Module!<br/><br/>
Simplified Open Social Share Settings