Esperanto перевод

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Enter your Facebook App ID<a title="Enter the Facebook App Id if you want to track social sharing on your Facebook app" style="text-decoration:none"> (<span style="color:#3CF;">?</span>)</a>
Do you want to enable Total Share to display the total share count on your website<a title="Display the total shares URL got from all social providers" style="text-decoration:none"> (<span style="color:#3CF;">?</span>)</a>
Do you want to open all providers in a single window<a title="Disabling this opens all sharing providers in a new Popup" style="text-decoration:none"> (<span style="color:#3CF;">?</span>)</a>
Check this if you want to change default Popup Window Size. [Default Size 530*530 Px]
If you want to change popup window size, Make sure to fill both height and width(Ex.400,450).
Enter your desired Twitter handle to mention during a Twitter share<a title="Handle will be mentioned as suffix as via @twitterhandle" style="text-decoration:none"> (<span style="color:#3CF;">?</span>)</a>
Enter your desired Twitter hash tag to be used during a Twitter share<a title="Hashtag will be added to all tweets" style="text-decoration:none"> (<span style="color:#3CF;">?</span>)</a>
Do you want to enable mobile friendly sharing widget<a title="Enable this option to show a mobile sharing interface to mobile users" style="text-decoration:none"> (<span style="color:#3CF;">?</span>)</a>
Please enter custom options for open social sharing
<p style="color:black;">Choose form the list of options you want to customize from the <a target="_blank" href="">link</a></p>