Исходный текст | Переводы |
The social network account has been unlinked from your account. | |
You must be logged in to perform this action. | |
You have successfully created an account and linked it with your @social_network account. | |
Thank you for applying for an account. Your account is currently pending approval by the site administrator.<br />You will receive an email once your account has been approved and you can then login with your @social_network account. | |
Thank you for applying for an account. Your account is currently pending approval by the site administrator.<br />Once your account has been approved you can login with your @social_network account. | |
Error while logging you in, please try to login manually. | |
Error while creating your user account, please try to register manually. | |
Sorry, but this @social_network account is already linked to another user on this website. | |
Your @social_network account has been linked to your account. You may now use @social_network to login. | |
You have successfully connected to @social_network |