Esperanto перевод

Исходный текстПереводы
A test e-mail has been sent to @email. You may want to <a href="!check">check the logs</a> for any error messages.
Mailing engine using the SMTP library.
To configure your mail server settings, visit the <a href="@url">SMTP settings page</a>.
Sumbission type
Choose the type of submission used for a shout. <br/><small>Please note that "Ajax" submission does not cooperate(yet) with captcha module</small>
Object with wrong default value: <pre>@object</pre>
2 Column. An easy to use, yet easily customizable Wedding theme for Drupal websites.
Import terms with uuid
You can add terms with uuid. Just add '|' separator after term name and uuid after separator.разрыв строки
<br />Example:<br />разрыв строки
animals|@uuid_1<br />разрыв строки
-canine|@uuid_2<br />разрыв строки
--dog|@uuid_3<br />разрыв строки
--wolf|@uuid_4<br />разрыв строки
-feline|@uuid_5<br />разрыв строки