Esperanto перевод

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Export terms with uuid
Term names with hierarchy: Only term names are exported (or term names with uuid separated by "|" if "Export terms with uuid" is checked). Child terms are prefixed with dashes. Uses the same format as for mass-import (Add button).
CSV: The comma-separated-values export has following columns: voc id | term id | [term uuid] | term name | description | parent id 1 | ... | parent id n
Clear HTM5 storage
<p>This page is used to configure the Mime Mail module for your site.</p>
It permits users to receive HTML email and can be used by other modules. The mail functionality accepts an HTML message body, mime-encodes it and sends it.
If the HTML has embedded graphics, these graphics are MIME-encoded and included as a message attachment.
Adopts your site's style by automatically including your theme's stylesheet files in a themeable HTML message format.
If the recipient's preference is available and they prefer plaintext, the HTML will be converted to plain text and sent as-is. Otherwise, the email will be sent in themeable HTML with a plaintext alternative.
Send example email