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WYSIWYG view mode
View mode to be used when displaying files inside of the WYSIWYG editor.
Restrict in WYSIWYG
If checked, then this mode will not be allowed from the WYSIWYG.
CKEditor integration has been moved to the Media CKEditor module.
If you are using the stand-alone CKEditor module in combination with the CKEditor plugin provided by Media WYSIWYG then you must download and enable the <a href="@url">Media CKEditor</a> module.
Updated the following field instances: @updated_string so they can't be overridden when the file is inserted in the WYSIWYG. Updated the following fields @default_string so that they continue to show up when a file is inserted.
If you would like to be able to align your embedded media (left, right, or center), go to /admin/config/media/browser and check "Provide alignment option when embedding media", and save the settings.
If you would like to be able to link images to a page, go to /admin/config/media/browser, check "Provide the ability to link media to pages", and save the settings.
@file_type WYSIWYG view mode