Kazakh перевод

Исходный текстПереводы
The Views module adds functionality to some core administration pages. For example, <em>admin/content</em> uses Views to filter and sort content. With Views uninstalled, <em>admin/content</em> is more limited.
Expanding Views functionality
Contributed projects that support the Views module can be found in the <a href="@views-related" target="blank">online documentation for Views-related contributed modules.</a>.
Improving table accessibility
Views tables include semantic markup to improve accessibility. Data cells are automatically associated with header cells through id and header attributes. To improve the accessibility of your tables you can add descriptive elements within the Views table settings. The caption element can introduce context for a table, making it easier to understand. The summary element can provide an overview of how the data has been organized and how to navigate the table. Both the caption and summary are visible by default and also implemented according to HTML5 guidelines.
The Views UI module provides an interface for managing views for the Views module. For more information, see the <a href="@views" target="blank">online documentation for the Views UI module</a>.
Creating and managing views
Views can be created from the <a href="/admin/structure/views">Views list page</a> by using the "Add view" action. Existing views can be managed from the <a href="/admin/structure/views">Views list page</a> by locating the view in the "Enabled" or "Disabled" list and selecting the desired operation action, for example "Edit".
Enabling and disabling views
Views can be enabled or disabled from the <a href="/admin/structure/views">Views list page</a>. To enable a view, find the view within the "Disabled" list and select the "Enable" operation. To disable a view find the view within the "Enabled" list and select the "Disable" operation.