Kazakh перевод

Исходный текстПереводы
Force password change settings
Password change form path
If the module does not determine the path for the password change form, use this field to specify the correct path. For example: "user/[user:uid]/edit". Supported replacement patterns are [user:uid] and [user:name].
Extra allowed paths
Extra paths, one per line, that the user can access as normal when being forced to change their password. The '*' character is a wildcard. These paths are in addition to the minimally allowed paths for password changes, which are always allowed by Password Policy. This setting can be used, for example, to allow paths requested by custom AJAX on the password change page.
Expired accounts are blocked. Only administrators can unblock them. Once unblocked, users can log in and will be forced to change their password. If they do not log in and change their password within one day, they will be blocked again.
Entries per page on expired accounts page
The <a href="@expired-accounts-page">expired accounts page</a> lists all expired accounts to administrators.
Show all restrictions on password change page.
List all password restrictions on the password change page. The list is displayed in addition to the default dynamic, JavaScript-generated list of only the restrictions the typed password does not meet. Enabling this setting allows a user who is not using JavaScript to see the password restrictions prior to submitting their password.