Kazakh перевод

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Number of Hourly Backup files to Keep
Keep a specified number of hourly backups before deleting the oldest ones.
Number of Daily Backup files to Keep
Keep a specified number of daily backups before deleting the oldest ones.
Number of Weekly Backup files to Keep
Keep a specified number of weekly backups before deleting the oldest ones.
Number to keep hourly must be an integer greater than or equal to 0.
Number to keep daily must be an integer greater than or equal to 0.
Number to keep weekly must be an integer greater than or equal to 0.
The Wysiwyg security system protects you from executing malicious code that is already in your database. In plain textareas database content is harmless because it is not executed, but WYSIWYG editors may interpret HTML like a web browser and thus the content needs to be filtered before it is loaded.