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<a href="@url" rel="nofollow">Drush</a> support (list, start, enable/disable jobs from the command line)
<a href="@url">Ultimate Cron project on Drupal.org</a>
Chaos tool suite (ctools) is not enabled!
You must install and enable Chaos tool suite (ctools) before upgrading Ultimate Cron.
Runtime exception: %message.
Scheduling disabled
Scheduling disabled. Cannot launch scheduled jobs while <tt>ultimate_cron_disable_scheduled</tt> variable is set.
Maintenance mode enabled
Maintenance mode enabled. Cannot launch scheduled jobs while in maintenance mode.
Retain X amount of log entries; this value is per cron job. Setting this to 1000 on sites with 15 cron jobs will store a total of 15000 entries. High values can result in slower log performance.