Kalmykian перевод

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Show the number of items in queues
Some queue backends may have performance issue related with counting items in queue. If you faced with it, just disable this option.
This is used to avoid external cron calling. If you set this cron will by accessible only by calling <em>http://site/cron.php?cron_key=XXX</em>, so you'll need to modify system crontab to support this (Logged users with <em>execute elysia_cron</em> permission avoid this check).разрыв строки
<br>If you left this field empty, you can run cron without cron_key parameter, like this <em>http://site/cron.php</em>, but it <b>HIGHLY NOT RECOMMENDED</b>.
Insert a list of ip addresses separated by , that can run cron.php (Logged user with [execute elysia_cron] permission avoid this check).
You can specify new cron jobs or modify existing schedules by adding lines to the script.
<b>Warning</b> All rules specified in the script will OVERRIDE single job settings and channel settings (sections below).
Invalid rule: %rule
Deletes all cron execution statistics (Last run, last exec time, exec count, avg/max exec time...). Do not touch cron settings.<br /><b>This operation can not be reverted</b><br />
Execute elysia cron jobs
Allow users to view statistics, execution status and do manually execute cron jobs