Kalmykian перевод

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Go to the <strong>APIs</strong> page located under the <em>APIs and auth</em> section. Follow the <strong>Calendar API</strong> link under the <em>Google Apps APIs</em> heading. Enable the <strong>Google Calendar API</strong>.
Go to the <strong>Credentials</strong> page located under the <em>APIs and auth</em> section. Press the <strong>Create new Key</strong> button under the <em>Public API access</em> heading. Press the <strong>Server key</strong> button and then press the <strong>Create</strong> button. You can restrict API access to only your server if it has a dedicated IP address.
Use the <strong>Project ID</strong>, found on project overview page as the <em>application name</em> and the <strong>API key</strong>, found on the credentials page, as the <em>developer key</em>. The <em>Calendar ID</em> for the calendar you wish to display can be found on the settings page for each calendar.
Look for the <strong>Calendar Address</strong> label. The Calendar ID should be displayed in brackets.
Note that only public calendars can be displayed using Calendar Block. Ensure that your calendar has been made public by visiting the <strong>Share this Calendar</strong> tab and selecting both the <em>Share this calendar with others</em> and <em>Make this calendar public</em> options.
By default, primary calendars are not shared outside of the domain for Google Apps users. In order to display the primary calendar of a Google Apps account, you must set %setting to %value or higher. Note that changing this option may take up to 24 hours to propagate to all users.
The application name (Project ID) of the Google Console project.
The public API key used to control access to the project.
The ID of the calendar to display.
Display only events that occur today