Исходный текст | Переводы |
Removed any old Google Calendar Block blocks and installed the new Google Calendar Block schema. | |
Google API PHP Client library | |
Use the core field module default value to set the default format. This will force the default format even when the default field value is empty. To set a default format you must re-edit a text field after saving it with the "Filtered text" option turned on or set the default option below to be "Filtered text". | |
Set default processing option to "Filtered text" for long text fields | |
This only applies to new "Long text" and "Long text and summary" fields. The standard behaviour is "Plain text". | |
You many only use the "!formatter" option as the "!field_name" field formatter. | |
The Media WSYIWYG module is not installed, so this update can be skipped. | |
The Media WSYIWYG module is not installed, so there is nothing to fix. | |
No text formats to fix. | |
No text fields need to be fixed. |