Kalmykian перевод

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Removed any old Google Calendar Block blocks and installed the new Google Calendar Block schema.
Google API PHP Client library
Use the core field module default value to set the default format. This will force the default format even when the default field value is empty. To set a default format you must re-edit a text field after saving it with the "Filtered text" option turned on or set the default option below to be "Filtered text".
Set default processing option to "Filtered text" for long text fields
This only applies to new "Long text" and "Long text and summary" fields. The standard behaviour is "Plain text".
You many only use the "!formatter" option as the "!field_name" field formatter.
The Media WSYIWYG module is not installed, so this update can be skipped.
The Media WSYIWYG module is not installed, so there is nothing to fix.
No text formats to fix.
No text fields need to be fixed.