Исходный текст | Переводы |
To activate the social login, insert LoginRadius API Key and Secret in the social login section below. | |
To activate the module, you will need to first configure it (manage your desired social networks, etc.) from your LoginRadius account. If you do not have an account, click <a href="@loginradius" target="_blank">here</a>.<br/>We also offer Social Plugins for <a href="@joomla" target="_blank">Joomla</a>, <a href="@wordpress" target="_blank">Wordpress</a>, <a href="@vbulletin" target="_blank">vBulletin</a>, <a href="@vanillaforum" target="_blank">VanillaForum</a>, <a href="@magento" target="_blank">Magento</a>, <a href="@oscommerce" target="_blank">OSCommerce</a>, <a href="@prestashop" target="_blank">Prestashop</a>, <a href="@xcart" target="_blank">X-Cart</a>, <a href="@zencart" target="_blank">Zen-Cart</a>, <a href="@phpbb" target="_blank">phpBB</a>, <a href="@smf" target="_blank">SMF</a> and <a href="@dotnetnuke" target="_blank">DotNetNuke</a> <br/><a href="@loginradius" target="_blank"><br/><input class="form-submit" type="button" value="Set up my account!"></a> (<a href="@get_sociallogin" target="_blank">How to set up an account?</a>) | |
Thank you for installing the LoginRadius Social Module! | |
To activate the module, insert LoginRadius API Key ( <a href="@get_socialloginandsocialshare" target="_blank">How to get it?</a> ) | |
To activate the module, insert LoginRadius API Secret ( <a href="@get_socialloginandsocialshare" target="_blank">How to get it?</a> ) | |
How would you like username to be created? Select the username syntax as per your preference. | |
Email Address [Ex: johndoe@abc.com ] | |
What heading do you want to display to the users to link multiple social networks to one account? | |
Yes, get real email address from the users (Ask users to enter their email addresses in a pop-up) |