Russian перевод

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Move CSS added by drupal_add_html_head() into drupal_add_css() (recommended)
Move all external CSS to the top of the execution order (recommended)
Move all inline CSS to the bottom of the execution order (recommended)
Move all browser conditional CSS to the bottom of the group (recommended)
All in head, use link rel="preload" (recommended)
All pages except those listed (blacklist)
Only the listed pages (whitelist)
File Controlled (Recommended).
Apply the above CSS setting only on specific pages. On other pages it will act as being Disabled. File Controlled will only use loadCSS() if a critical css file has been found and can be inlined.
Valid example file locations for this page: <p><code>@line1</code><br><code>@line2</code><br><code>@line3</code></p> valid example file locations for the "front" page: <p><code>@line4</code><br><code>@line5</code><br><code>@line6</code></p> valid example file locations for "node/1" (<a href="@url">current_path()</a>) page: <p><code>@line7</code><br><code>@line8</code><br><code>@line9</code></p> valid example file locations for the node type of "page": <p><code>@line10</code><br><code>@line11</code><br><code>@line12</code></p>