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mpn SpecialAnnouncement
REQUIRED. The type of specialAnnouncement.
The short title of the COVID-19 announcement. For example: 'Stanford announces COVID-19 testing facility'.
The URL that describes the category for the special announcement. Set the category to the Wikipedia page for COVID-19:
The date that the COVID-19 announcement was published in ISO-8601 format.
The date in which the content expires and is no longer useful or available in ISO-8601 format. Don't include this property if you don't know when the content will expire.
You must include either text, or one of the following urls that point to more info about the announcement, depending on the subject matter: diseasePreventionInfo, diseaseSpreadStatistics, gettingTestedInfo, governmentBenefitsInfo, newsUpdatesAndGuidelines, publicTransportClosuresInfo, quarantineGuidelines, schoolClosuresInfo, and/or travelBans.