Russian перевод

Исходный текстПереводы
If the selected date format contains a time, only the date part of it will be used in the album title.
The image size to open in the overlay browser when clicking the image. Larger sizes make navigating to next and previous pictures slower.<br />Clear the cache on form submit.<br />!: TAKE CARE, the 'c' size (800px) is missing on Flickr images uploaded before March 1, 2012!
Uncheck to take care of the styling yourself in custom CSS. If you use Flickr Filter, you might find the !autofloat_module useful.
CSS variables
Style (CSS) Settings module
Style (CSS) Settings |
Caption font-size
Relative to the font size for the normal text. A minimum font size setting of your browser might limit it. Test it on different browsers.
Slideshow width
Relative to width of the containing block element (%) or fixed (px). Never wider than the containing block (max-width: 100 %).