Russian перевод

Исходный текстПереводы
разрыв строки
<p>A short headline for an AMP article, using fewer than 110 characters and no HTML markup.</p>разрыв строки
<p>Use tokens to provide the correct headline for each article page. Suggested token: [node:title].
разрыв строки
<p>The date an article was published.</p>разрыв строки
<p>Use tokens to provide the correct published date for each article. Suggested token: [node:created].
разрыв строки
<p>The date an article was most recently modified date.</p>разрыв строки
<p>Use tokens to provide the correct modification date for each article. Suggested token: [node:changed].
разрыв строки
<p>The name of the author to use on AMP pages.</p>разрыв строки
<p>Use tokens to provide the correct author for each article. Token output should be text only, no HTML markup. Suggested token: [node:author:name].
разрыв строки
<p>A short description of an AMP article, using fewer than 150 characters and no HTML markup.</p>разрыв строки
<p>Use tokens to provide the correct description for each article. Suggested token: [node:summary].
разрыв строки
<p>An article image to appear in the Top Stories carousel.</p>разрыв строки
<p>Images must be at least 696px wide: refer to <a href="@image_guidelines">article image guidelines</a> for further details.</p>разрыв строки
<p>Use tokens to provide the correct image for each article. Example token: [node:field_image]. The image field token likely varies by content type.
<p>The image style to use for the article image</p>
Data ad slot
This Adsense block requires a width, height, and data ad slot.
This DoubleClick block requires a Google Adsense ID.