Russian перевод

Исходный текстПереводы
Search field will have a button, an image or none at all.
What author/date information to display?
Author, Date & Picture
Author & Date
Author & Picture
Author only
H1 for site name on all pages (Drupal default)
H3 for block title (Drupal default)
<sup>To change the slide images, you can choose from predefined images in _custom/sliderimg folder of the theme or from any other folder or server, <b>Image URL</b> must be formated as "/themes/contrib/zeropoint/_custom/sliderimg/IMAGE" or "//". The slides are language aware and <b>Slide URL</b> can point to Home (if left blank), internal pages ("/node/NODE_NUMBER"), or any page on Internet ("//"). </sup>
Show Slide 1