Russian перевод

Исходный текстПереводы
Allow language fallback
When language fallback is allowed, an alternative translation will be displayed if the requested language is not available. Other modules, such as <a href="" target="_blank">Language Hierarchy</a>, are needed to manage which languages are used as fallbacks. Otherwise, existing translations will be chosen based on their <a href="!url">language weight</a>.
Use only enabled languages
If checked, disabled languages will not show up as available languages. This setting does not apply to content types that are configured to use the Multilingual content (i18n_node) module as this module provides its own configuration.
Show fallback statuses on overview pages
Enable to the show fallback information on the entity overview pages.
Pathauto state automatically activated on forms for new translations
When this option is enabled, the Pathauto state checkbox is automatically selected on the add-translation form. <br/><b>Attention:</b>When combining this option with the next one it may lead to cases where all aliases for all languages are auto-updated whenever a new translation is added.
Generate alias only for current language
Generate missing aliases for all languages