Russian перевод

Исходный текстПереводы
Use clusterer: @clusterer
Auto zoom: @auto_zoom
Search for an object on the map to fill this field automatically or leave it blank (if field is not required).
Search for an object on the map to fill this field or leave it blank (if field is not required).
See picture_wysiwyg.css for an example of how to style these images in your theme using the selectors suggested below.
Consider using the selector <code>span[data-picture-mapping="@machine_name"]</code> in your theme CSS.
Picture lazyload
Image will be rendered when it appears in viewport, helps to optimize page load speed.
Preserve the space for the image being lazyloaded to avoid layout reflows. <br /> Image ratio is defined per breakpoint, make sure all images from srcset have the same ratio. <br />Output example: !example
Picture fallback method