Russian перевод

Исходный текстПереводы
Invalid rule: %rule
Deletes all cron execution statistics (Last run, last exec time, exec count, avg/max exec time...). Do not touch cron settings.<br /><b>This operation can not be reverted</b><br />
Execute elysia cron jobs
Allow users to view statistics, execution status and do manually execute cron jobs
View elysia cron stats
Allows users to view statistics and execution status of cron jobs
Environment @env_id; HTTP Status: %http_status; <br>Message: %status_message; <br>Response: %response; <br>Request: %request; <br>Caller: %function (line %line of %file)
Environment @env_id: Adding @count documents.
Environment @env_id: Indexing succeeded on @count documents
Environment @env_id: Indexing failed on one of the following entity ids: @eids <br /> !message