Russian перевод

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If checked, the processing of url() values within CSS will be handled more like core than the CDN module. This will not convert relative paths in your source CSS to absolute paths in the aggregated CSS.
Do not use AdvAgg or any aggregation in the following pages
Specify pages by using their paths. Enter one path per line. The '*' character is a wildcard. Example paths are %blog for the blog page and %blog-wildcard for every personal blog.
Combine CSS files by using media queries (recommended)
Fix improperly set type (recommended)
Remove empty CSS files from aggregates (recommended)
Remove empty JS files from aggregates (recommended)
The scope key when using drupal_add_js and friends can be used to insert script tags throughout the html body. To see possible insertion points set <code>@theme_debug</code> in your settings.php file and view the page source while looking for @comment html comments. Some example scopes: <p><code>!example</code></p>
Delete all aggregates containing this base file.
Pinpoint clearing of all aggregates that contain a file.