Russian перевод

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If drupal_http_request does not work, the tests that AdvAgg performs may not be accurate.
The uri: %url can not be converted to a url.
If you are using a non default stream wrapper this might be the issue.
Your nginx webserver is not sending 404s to drupal. Please make sure that your nginx configuration has something like this in it: <p><pre><code>@code</code></pre></p> Note that @drupal (last line of code above) might be @rewrite or @rewrites depending on your servers configuration. If there are image style rules in your Nginx configuration add this right below that. !config_location Raw request info: <pre>@request</pre>
Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation (AdvAgg)
Use HTTP 1.1 settings
Use HTTP 2.0 settings
This server supports HTTP 2.0; the test from @url came back ok.
AdvAgg can not detect if this server supports HTTP 2.0. You can <a href="@url">go here to learn how to enable it</a>.
It appears that this server could support HTTP 2.0 (apache <a href="@url">mod_http2</a> found)