Russian перевод

Исходный текстПереводы
Go to the <a href="@url-page">@name</a> page and <a href="@url-zip">download</a> the latest version (@remote) into the libraries folder (usually sites/all/libraries). An example valid filename is %version_file.
Install the <a href="@url-lib-api">Libraries API</a> module and then go to the <a href="@url-page">@name</a> page and <a href="@url-zip">download</a> the latest version (@remote) into the libraries folder (usually sites/all/libraries). An example valid filename is %version_file.
Rename @lib_dir_master to @lib_dir at this location: @lib_path_master.
Trying to load @file via @import statement but it was not found.
AdvAgg Tables converted from varchar to char and utf8_bin to ascii_bin.
Database index added to the aggregate_filenames_hash and porder column of the advagg_aggregates table.
Adv CSS/JS Agg - $base_url
You need to add in this logic near the bottom of your settings.php file: <p><pre>@code</pre></p>
Adv CSS/JS Agg - drupal_http_request test
An external request for could not be fulfilled.