Problem with plural forms

Continuation from here.

I tried to solve this with several ways.

1) I imported on l10n server po file for some module with plural forms in header - nothing.

2) I imported on l10n server po file for Drupal core with plural forms in header manually inserted - nothing.

3) I imported po file for some module with plural forms in header on my installation of Drupal, then exported po file from that installation and then imported on l10n server - nothing.
(note: after exporting po file from my installation, code for plural forms changed in header
before: "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
after "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=((((n%10)==1)&&((n%100)!=11))?(0):(((((n%10)>=2)&&((n%10)<=4))&&(((n%100)<10)||((n%100)>=20)))?(1):2));\n"

4) I imported po file exported from my installation with those plural forms in header (see number 3) to other installation, then exported po file from that installation and imported on l10n server - nothing

So I don't know how to solve this. Same as pvasili described here, on l10n server i can't edit those strings with @count in it, and those exported files from l10n server can't open in offline editor, they don't have plural forms in header, but they have @count in strings. If you could please tell me how you solved this problem, or I need to go to and ask Gabor.

BTW, when I import those big po files on l10n server, I receive this page, but strings are imported.

Комментарии (4)

I am always glad your comments. I always happy to help you:).
Now I am working on the new site design...

I am very sorry for our misunderstanding. I though that I should update to translation server, not to Locale page on Drupal installation. I didn't know that translations on translation server and on locale module are connected.

After importing to locale module, this problem solved. Thanks for your explanation.

About 2): it wasn't problem for me, I just wanted to inform you, I didn't know if you knew about that issue.
Now I don't need to import big files, since we imported this one we had.

Again, sorry for our misunderstanding and thank you for explanation.

1.1) Dear D.i, you did not carefully read my last message ( ...
This is discussed in detail ( and (
Try to see here: (Serbian = 0%!!!)
1.2) You have to open up an address ( and import any PO translation (in the Serbian language) files(with a correct Serbian plural form).

The knows no plural form of Serbian. Problem only that. You have to specify it. To do this, you need to add any translated PO files.
Links for you, and for the convenience of all who have native Serbian language.

2) Import PO file is a very difficult and very lengthy procedure (about statistics: > 89000 lines * 1800 modules * ~>3000 relise * 8 languages tebles * N lines in PO file). Try to make the file smaller. Take a few files from one large.

I have installed in .htaccess php_value max_execution_time 450. This is not always helps.

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